Research Information System. Publication Network. Effect of subclinical mastitis on milk taurine concentration in dairy cows Torunoglu E. Buffalo Bulletinvol. Antioxidant and analgesic potential of butorphanol in dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy Gültiken N. Apigenin alleviates neuroinflammation in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease Yarım G. Animalsvol. Nobiletin attenuates inflammation via modulating proinflammatory and antiinflammatory cytokine expressions in an autoimmune encephalomyelitis mouse model Yarım G. Plasma concentration and uterine and ovarian expressions of insulin-like growth factor-2 in dogs with cystic endometrial hyperplasia-pyometra Gültiken N. Acta Veterinaria Hungaricavol. Investigation of diagnostic use of serum anti-Müllerian hormone concentration in dioestrus and anoestrus bitches before and after ovariohysterectomy and the relationship with ovarian follicle numbers ANADOL E. Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciencesvol. Neuroprotective effects 537 258 42 18 Escort Ankara acetyl-L-carnitine on lipopolysaccharide-induced neuroinflammation in mice: Involvement of brain-derived neurotrophic factor KAZAK F. Investigation of the effect of cornelian cherry Cornus mas L. An evaluation of the efficacy, clinical safety, blood levels and milk concentrations of flumethrin and cypermethrin formulations used for tick control in cattle Yavuz O. Expression of 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in ovarian and uterine tissue during diestrus and open cervix cystic endometrial hyperplasia-pyometra in the bitch Gültiken N. Serum concentration and skin tissue expression of insulin-like growth factor 2 in canine generalized demodicosis Yarım G. Subacute oral toxicity of combinations of selected synthetic pyrethroids, piperonyl butoxide, and tetramethrin in rats Yavuz O. Effects of oregano or red pepper essential oil supplementation to diets for broiler chicks with delayed feeding after hatching. Performance and microbial population Corduk M. Myelin basic protein profile of central nervous system in experimentally induced demyelination and remyelination Yarim G. Türk Biyokimya Dergisivol. Comparison of lidocaine metabolism for different anesthesia techniques in rabbits with liver disease Celebi N. A new strategy in treatment of neurodegenerative diseases: Neurosteroids Yarım G. Myelin basic protein profile of central nervous system in experimentally induced demyelination and remyelination Yarım G. 537 258 42 18 Escort Ankara between environmental and flora change with mineral content of honey bee products Nisbet C. The effects of aging on the central nervous system steroid profiles and myelin basic protein in rats Çiftci G. Age-related changes in haptoglobin phenotypes, some non-enzymatic antioxidants and electrophoretic profiles of serum proteins in rats Çiftci G. Investigation of serum protein profiles in sheep naturally infected with foot-and-mouth disease virus Yarım G. Subacute oral toxicity of combinations of selected synthetic pyrethroids, piperonyl butoxide and tetramethrin in rats Yavuz O. Repeated-dose day dermal toxicity of different combinations of some synthetic pyrethroid insecticides, piperonyl butoxide, and tetramethrin in rats Yavuz O. Kistik ekinokokozisli sığırlarda serum total siyalik asit düzeyleri. Serum sialic acid levels in cattles with cystic echinococcosis Yarım G. Acute dermal toxicity of different combinations of some synthetic pyrethroid insecticides, piperonyl butoxide and tetramethrin in rats Yavuz O. Investigation of potential testicular toxicity of subchronic dermal application of alphacypermethrin in rabbits Aksoy A. Serum protein pattern in ewe with pregnancy toxemia Yarım G. Effects of novel feed additives in wheat based diets on performance, carcass and intestinal tract characteristics of quail Sarica S. Cytokine and chemokine levels in radicular and residual cyst fluids Muğlalı M. Effects of fluoride on C-reactive protein, adenosine deaminase, and ceruloplasmin in rabbit sera Çenesiz S.
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