This present study aimed to examine the effects of long-term resistance exercise REG and aerobic exercise AEG on the adiponectin, insulin resistance, lipid profile and body composition in adolescent boys with obesity. Does Sex Decrease Athletic Performance obese adolescent boys age: The serum lipid profile, adiponectin, glucose, insulin resistance HOMA-IR levels and body composition of the participants were evaluated at the beginning and end of the study. A Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test and Mann-Whitney U test were used for analyses, and the criterion for statistical significance was Does Sex Decrease Athletic Performance at p HOMA-IR, insulin, glucose and serum lipid levels decreased in both groups p These results indicated that both types of exercises had positive effects on insulin resistance, per cent body fat, weight and fat-free body mass. Long-term 6 months aerobic and REG had different positive effects on adiponectin and the lipid profile. The prevalence of being overweight and obesity in children, adolescents and adults have risen substantially worldwide 1. The European Union Action Plan on Childhood Obesity emphasises physical activity as well as a regulated diet in children to halt this increase in the number of overweight and obese adolescents by 2. Adipokines secreted from adipose tissue may play a key role in the pathogenesis of obesity, insulin resistance and atherosclerosis by increasing subclinical inflammation 3. Adiponectin is one of the main adipokines secreted from adipose tissue. Adiponectin facilitates the clearing of glucose, triglycerides and free fatty acids from plasma; it decreases gluconeogenesis and increases insulin sensitivity 4. Individuals with obesity have lower adiponectin but higher leptin levels than individuals without obesity 5. Leptin is a hormone released by adipose tissue that aids in the regulation of body weight and energy homeostasis. Increased fat mass causes an elevation in leptin levels, which signal satiety and a mild increase in the basal energy expenditure. However, exercise can also cause changes in leptin concentration without an accompanying change in body composition. Different forms of exercise training could favourably modify weight-related complications, cardiovascular risk factors and the inflammation 6. Recently, resistance exercise has been recommended for children with obesity. While aerobic exercise is primarily an aerobic energy-producing process, resistance exercise is a type of exercise that increases primarily the force generation capacity of muscles 7. No consensus exists about the probable role of exercise in children on reductions in body fat and its effect on adipokines e. Only a few studies have investigated the effects of resistance exercise on adipokines, lipids and insulin resistance in adolescents 9, Information about health-related factors and early intervention effects among adolescents with obesity are important aspects in establishing targeted strategies and promoting lifestyle changes for preventing diseases. A better understanding of the metabolic responses to different types of exercise may help tailor interventions to maximise the likelihood of achieving health benefits among adolescents with obesity. Within this context, the main purpose of this study was to compare the effects of structured six-month resistance versus aerobic-exercise programmes on the serum lipid profile, adiponectin and insulin resistance. For the recruitment of voluntary participants, we contacted state high schools near the selected fitness centre in the Sisli district of Istanbul. From this group, adolescents with obesity were selected according to Cole et al. Twenty-three students and their parents decided to participate in the 6-month study and provided informed consent. Seven of the participants dropped out of the study because of various reasons non-compliance with the exercise schedule, Ramadan fasting period discontinuationand the study was completed with 16 participants. The study was performed, followed by the ethical guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki. Before data collection, all participants provided written informed consent. Since all participants were younger than 18 years old, parents also gave written permission Does Sex Decrease Athletic Performance participation. The participants did not have any sports experience before the study. An experienced physician reviewed their complete medical history, performed a physical examination and assessed pubertal development according to the Tanner criteria. The Tanner stage was determined on a paper chart by the bariatric paediatrician during the physical examination of the participants The Tanner scale defines stages based on the development of pubic hair and testicular volume in males. All participants were in Tanner stage IV-V. The investigation was performed as a parallel-group design and lasted for six months. However, a structured diet programme was not implemented throughout the study. The participants were asked not to consume any antioxidant supplements throughout the study.
This study investigated how frequently women with fibromyalgia engaged in sexual activity affected how severe the disease was. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript. Since all participants were younger than 18 years old, parents also gave written permission for participation. Although this type macro-nutrient helps to meet the increased energy demands of strenuous exercise, an increased consumption of lipids would not appear to be necessary [ 24 ]. Reprints and permissions.
While some studies reported that males had higher scores than males (Celik, et al., ; Karademir & Acak, ; Khan, et al., ; Solomon. Low-volume, high-intensity interval training (HIT) increases skeletal muscle mitochondrial capacity, yet little is known regarding potential mechanisms. These results indicated that both types of exercises had positive effects on insulin resistance, per cent body fat, weight and fat-free body mass. Studies that have investigated the relationship between sleep quality and athletic performance in adolescents have reported different findings.A mixed method approach. Conclusion The present study provides important practical applications for health and sport sciences. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:. Official websites use. These forms required them to record information about what they consumed each day: amounts, proportions of ingredients, methods of preparation, and so forth [ 11 ]. Our findings are in agreement with previous reports that studied the effects of resistance exercise on the lipid profile in adolescents with obesity and reported no significant changes in concentrations of total cholesterol, triglyceride and HDL and LDL cholesterol levels The link between nutritional habits and health has concerned mankind since the origin of the earliest societies and cultures. Furthermore, it was remarkable that resistance exercise proved to be an alternative to aerobic exercise, the effects of which on metabolic parameters such as glucose, insulin, HOMA-IR, HDL and adiponectin are well known. The importance of this can be seen in the fact that sportspeople who fail to observe these requirements may suffer an increased risk of injuries [ 18 ] and decreased performance [ 11 ]. The prevalence of being overweight and obesity in children, adolescents and adults have risen substantially worldwide 1. The present study aims to analyze the eating habits and attitudes of a group of soccer referees and linesmen. Impact of dietary and exercise interventions on weight change and metabolic outcomes in obese children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. The combination of food diaries and recall after a twenty-four-hour period met the criteria for a simple, rapid, and inexpensive research method. Montrezol et al. Hasan Birol Çotuk 1. Participants' sociodemographic and clinical characteristics were assessed using data on their age, gender, height, weight, schooling, duration of disease, employment status, and income level. Elevated plasma prolactin levels have been detected up to 60 minutes after orgasm in both men and women. Vitamin intake was therefore compared to REC1, and then subdivided according to the type of day involved. Ann Med Exper Fenn ; The response of the lipid profile was partially different in our two exercise groups. The referees and linesmen in the sample had a greater consumption of proteins than the recommendation for adults, at Participants were informed of the objective of the study in a talk that was given in order to explain what was going to be done, and they all submitted a signed consent form that had been specially prepared for the study. A better understanding of the metabolic responses to different types of exercise may help tailor interventions to maximise the likelihood of achieving health benefits among adolescents with obesity. Nutrition for young soccer players. The fitness equipment weights that participants were able to move were determined by attempting to lift different weights. This has been demonstrated to have good reliability and applicability in a number of studies [ 13 ]. The first workout consisted of two sets of 15 repetitions during weeks and three sets of 15 repetitions during weeks In our study, in accordance with the literature, the frequency of sexual intercourse was found to be lower in FM patients compared to healthy controls. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. According to neuroimaging studies, the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, the periaqueductal gray of the midbrain, the hippocampus, and the cerebellum become more active during sexual activity, especially during orgasm. Tıkız et al. The resistance-exercise sessions consisted of total body workouts comprising a combination of different body weight and power exercises using a variety of equipment. Conclusions This study found that the group of referees investigated consumed a diet that did not have sufficient calories from carbohydrates, in view of their occupation. Within-person variation in serum lipids: implications for clinical trials. Metrics details. The study followed the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki, and the local Ethics Committee of the University of Leon approved all procedures.