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Visit Tumblr Blog. Explore Tumblr blogs with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience. Last Seen Tumblr Blogs. Fun Fact. Tumblr Inc. Er befragt die Verdächtigen live im Fernsehen und überlässt die Entscheidung der Öffentlichkeit…. I've never been so I've been going back and forth between 'I liked it' and 'I didn't like it' for the past 2 - 3 weeks, until I realised that actually what I was feeling was underwhelmed. I kid you not, it has been at the very least a year. Unfortunately, Şahmaran was also let down by all of the things I just mentioned. How so? Well, let me count the ways Probably one of the first things I learned about the show after the fact that it would be about a shape-shifting snake was about who was going to be part of it. I cannot explain my level of excitement on seeing Serenay back on tv after what was it, eight years or Escort Hande Bi Lgi N And that too in a show with such a unique premise? I was all like. As if that wasn't enough, Netflix announced that Burak Deniz had been cast as Maran. Call me superficial but two gorgeous people on-screen together, more importantly two that we hadn't seen paired together before? Sign me up! I was looking forward to seeing how the both of them would play off each other on the show. They're both brilliant actors so when I saw how their potential was being wasted on Şahmaran I was heartbroken. Only he could've pulled off that character the way that he did I think. I can't talk about supporting characters and not mention the characters of Medine and her husband. On the face of it, I was left thinking at least at first'What was the need for these two characters? I'm looking forward to seeing where their storyline ends up in Season 2. Mert Ramazan Demir - The first time I watched anything featuring him was Yalı Çapkını and I'm glad to see that they didn't change his character in Şahmaran to completely match that of his character Ferit in Yalı Çapkını with how popular the character of Ferit has become with audiences, I actually thought they might I liked seeing this more serious side of him, yaay for not type-casting! That seems like a pretty important character — and one that should be featured in promo photoshoots with the main characters — don't you think? In all honesty? We need more of them all in Season two please writers. In a show about shape-shifter snakes, I expected a much faster pace than the one we got. Because her inadvertently shaking things up was the entire premise of the show but nope it stayed the same. And again, I think that was because there wasn't enough substance in the overall storyline so they dragged out whatever they could and ended up affecting the overall pacing of the show. There was no sense of urgency in scenes that felt and were being acted like they should have had it but that was just one of the many areas where the storyline was lacking to be honest. I talked earlier a little about how there was Escort Hande Bi Lgi N emotional depth to any of Şahsu and Maran's interactions aside from the intimate scenes and I think that has more to do with the writers opting for the tell instead show angle when it came to their scenes together. There's a lot of talk about how hard Maran finds it to stay away from Şahsu especially seeing as they're destined to be together etc etc you get the picture but that's all it was - talk. I would have liked to see that struggle translated on to the screen, like-wise show me Şahsu struggling with her attraction to Maran and with the strange goings on in the town instead of just telling me about it.

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