Nilay Pekel UludağlıGülçin Akbaş. Günümüz toplumlarında bireylerin evlenme ve çocuk sahibi olma yaşlarının giderek arttığı. Evlilik doyumusosyal saatevlenmeçocuk sahibi olmayetişkin rolleri. Sosyal Politika Young Teen Sex Vk Dergisi. Araştırma Makalesi. PDF Kütüphaneme Ekle ×. Araştırma Oluştur Kapat. Kaynakça Aitken, Z. Young maternal age at first birth and mental health later in life: Does the association vary by birth cohort? Continuity and change in marital quality between and Journal of Marriage and Family, 65 1 The motherhood wage gap for women in the United States: The importance of college and fertility delay. Review of Economics of the Household, 3 117— Arnett, J. Emerging adulthood: A theory of development from the late teens through the twenties. American Psychologist, 55 5 Conceptions of the transition to adulthood: Perspectives from adolescence through midlife. Journal of Adult Development, 8 2— Arshad, M. Marital adjustment and life satisfaction among early and late marriages. Journal of Education and Practice, 5 17 Becker, G. An economic analysis of marital instability. Journal of Political Economy, 85 6 Bell, S. Does timing and sequencing of transitions to adulthood make a difference? Stress, smoking, and physical activity among young Australian women. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 13 3— Benzies, K. The practice of early marriages among females in India: Young Teen Sex Vk and change. Bilen, M. Ailede, kurumlarda ve toplumda sağlıklı insan ilişkileri. Ankara: Teknik Basım Sanayi Matbaası. Bilici, Z. Çocuk sahibi olan ve olmayan ailelerin problem çözme becerilerinin ve yaşam doyumlarının karşılaştırılması Master thesis, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Türkiye. Trends in the age at reproductive transitions in the developing world: The role of education. Population Studies, 71 2 ,
Following the evaluation of surveying tourism undergraduates, they found a correlation that the more competence in writing, the more success in communications, business connections and human relations. Gaunt, R. Dental decay lesion rate was found as 7. The triangulation strategy was used to ensure the validity and reliability of the research. Erişim tarihi: 21 Haziran In the determination of these distinctive features, anatomical and anthropometric evaluations are carried out by measuring certain anatomical points.
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